Well yours truly got his hands on a few free tickets to the first leg of Perth's most spectacular Harness racing night, that's right the INTER DOMINION at the world famous (well in Perth anyway) Gloucester Park. Tonight it was gonna be me the minster for war (the misses) and Jacko n' Harrison having a night out at the races.
And there off n' racing.... well Jacko n' the misses got the first winner of the night with a favourite getting up called UNCLE KRACKER paying a nice little earner, but didn't pay as much as my horse would.... if it had won! the old BAKERANDTHEFATMAN came in a fighting sixth but would of payed a nice little $13. But that didn't
stop little Jacko giving it to me...little bugger.
Then it was the little meerkat himself Harrison to get a nice winner up, paying $3 for the win, but seeing that we had a little betting shop going between them and me he walked away with a nice $1. Which he was very happy with... well he would wanna be seeing he doesn't have to put any money into the pot (little buggers).
Here's Jacko n' Harrison with the winning post behind them, and also another win behind them for Jacko this time... this was getting embarrassing
And there goes another race where the two little mugs take me to the cleaners, at least Harrison didn't win this one he came in third but his horse did beat the rest of us so it was a little winner for him.
Then it was time for some hot chips a nice cold coke and a seat up in the stand to give the freckle a rest, and from there we watched a ripper race where a New Zealand horse called SMOKEN UP got up for a beaut win paying the huge amount of $1.10. Crikey I nearly payed as much to the winner as the friggin'
TAB as Jacko had the first pick this race and he just smiled when he picked it (little bugger).
There goes Smoken up... 'go you good thing' and also there goes the last of the hot chips, so we got up to pop back down for our last race for the night.
And the last race went to the misses getting another favourite up as IM THE MIGHTYQUINN went on for a great win in his heat, this horse would go on to win the mighty V75 INTER DOMINION PACING CHAMPIONSHIP from another horse we watched tonight SMOKEN UP. And that was our night at the races, as usual I won bugger all and the kiddies won a nice earner for there bank accounts (trust me they were a bit surprised about that bit of the deal also, they thought it was going on icecream n' Maccas!! ha,ha at least I got the last laugh hay) But just to put the boot into me as we walked out the gate, Jacko turned to me and said 'Hay Dad it's not that hard to pick a winner hay'... little #@&#er!!!
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