Saturday, October 15, 2011

Picnic at Caversham

Well it was the weekend and there's nothing better then throwing some nevilles into the commodore, and driving down the road for a ridgie-didge ripper aussie B.B.Q. Just down the road from the kiddies school at Caversham there just started up a new housing estate, and of cause all housing estates have small parks with swings. Well as you can see this mob went all out to get the kiddie vote to live near this place, so why not heat up one of there B.B.Q's for 20c and just sit back and let the kiddies have some fun. And didn't they go all out on these swings, it's just a bloody ripper set up they have here. Not like the rough-as-guts swing set at the bottom of Brighton Ave when I was a kiddy, and can I say the kiddies just love them.

So while the nevilles were running about like cut snakes, yours truly started up the 20c barbecue and started frying up some snags for the little ones while a beaut T-bone was sizzling away on the hot plate for your's truly.

Feeding time at the Zoo!!! and as you can see the whole mob of nevilles made it to the feed, this is just what we all love about Australia hay. Just throwing a snag on the barbie while the kiddies try to break an arm or leg on the swings, with one eye on the small ones and smoke filled nostrils socking up those ripper T-bone fumes..... aaahh does it get any better then this.

Then of cause all the kiddies put their hands up to do the cleaning up, yeah doesn't happen at home they know there's no washing up at the park hay.... cheeky buggers. Here's Sarah 'full as a goog' giving her tummy a rest before getting back into it, and trust me it wasn't long before she was....

Here's Harrison sliding down one of the parks many slides, trust me I was knackered just trying to keep an eye on them all.

Now this is better having all the nevilles together is easier to head count, fairdinkum trying to keep an eye on this mob you feel about as busy as a centipede on a hot plate! And as you can see there's only four so I've only got one missing... now that's better odds! losing one is easier when it comes to telling the misses, now don't get your knickers in a twist I knew where Chase was..... he was just over the back playing with two wild dingoes! Nah just joking they weren't dingoes.... just pitbulls! But before you could say 'crikey is that the time', they scatter off in all directions like cockroaches out the back when you switch on a light. Here's cockroach Oscar sliding down another of the slides, but better go check on the other roaches.

Isn't it funny how with all these great slides and swings and running platforms, where do I find two of my nevilles.... yep in the friggin' rock garden. Which by the way is a bloody ripper idea hay, it's a great way to save on water which is a big thing over this side of Australia. Seeing where really in a desert it makes sense to save watering too much grass, and really the kiddies just love climbing on these big rocks.

And here's Sarah n' Oscar on a big swing thing-eme-bob and having a ripper time, and thank God for the clouds coming over as it was 31 in the shade. So this will bring the heat down a bit to just a nice barmy day, and if your wondering how we rate our days over here. Well this is how we do it:
11-18 'Bloody cold mate'
18-21 'A bit of a nippy day love'
21-30 'A beaut barmy day'
30-33 'A cracker of a day'
and anything over 33 'Bloody air con day sport'. As for those poor sods who live up in the mountains in Armidale nsw's, hate to tell ya but we don't really have that many days under 11... so why rate it! ha,ha suckers. But all good things have to come to an end and it was time to herd the sheep back to the commodore, then back home to rest the legs out the back with an ice cold beer n' a packet of smiths chips to nibble on.... yep living the dream!

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